It is true that many medical courses are extremely popular with students. The society in general holds this profession in very high esteem. Well, this is hardly surprising as ultrasound technician training in the USA is a career which many students aspire to achieve. The training incorporates the programs that teach how to diagnose or monitor various medical issues by the use of ultrasound technology. This is a modern and still expanding area of expertise which has promising chances for the professionals to expand their scope and field of study. Ultrasound technology has now replaced the old fashioned radiology and X-ray methods which were prevalent in the yesteryears. It studies body tissues by using a technology called sound waves to get images of the body’s internal organs. It is obvious that doctors and medics cannot do much without them looking at the proper diagnostic reports of the patient’s condition as supplied by the radiology technician or from an MRI Technician. That is why there are over 50,000 Ultrasound Techs employed in health institutions and health care centers all over the USA.
In the USA, there are vast training opportunities for those aspiring to become ultrasound technicians. At present it is obvious that there is a shortage of qualified people to man all the health clinics and medical institutions in the country. Simply put, the USA labor market does not have enough personnel in this field to staff all the medical centers and this translates to the fact that the country is in dire need of these professionals. The exciting news for the trainees of this caliber is that there are millions of jobs waiting out there for the qualified people. The right employee in this line must have passed through one of the credible ultrasound training schools. Such schools and colleges must follow accredited training programs to satisfy the board of examiners as set by the ARDMS; which stands for the American Registry of Diagnostic Medical Sonographers. It is the licensing board that is recognized both nationally and internationally. If you are still wondering how to get started in this field; there is a lot of online information to guide you into the various options and types of ultrasound technician jobs that you can pursue as a career.
The Ultrasound Technician Training Requirements
Ultrasound TransducerThere are high skills required in the carrying out of all ultrasound procedures. For that reason, anyone entering this profession must attend one of the accredited universities or colleges for either a two year associate degree or a four year bachelor’s degree program. Such institutions must offer courses that are approved by ARDMS for registration. They include specific modules in courses such as physiology, anatomy, physics, instrumentation, medical ethics, and patient care. This is essential because all stakeholders in the medical facilities look for people who are well educated and those that have credible ultrasound technician certificates.
There is a probing question that most people have been asking. It is a question which normally crops up when talking to those who are already in the medical institutions. People working as nurse helpers or medical assistants who want to enter this field are able to do so by taking steps to study for the programs. There are inducted through the hands-on training that a person who is already working in a hospital can follow. Such people can be trained within the hospitals by working under qualified teams, and other vocational technical colleges even as they pursue online ultrasound technician programs. They may then be able to take the necessary professional exams which can qualify them for the ARDMS accreditation and certification. This is important since most employers are very particular about it.
Various Areas of Certificates and Areas of Specialization for Ultrasound Technician
Job opportunities for ultrasound technicians are numerous as there are great expectations for more openings in this cadre of workers. According to reliable Labor Statistics information, it has been predicted that the growth of jobs in this line is rising steadily. It will eventually overtake the known average for all other occupations by the year 2018. Nevertheless, it is important for a person to do multiple courses in this area of specialization in order to stand the best opportunities for advancement to higher ranks in the profession such a supervisory, administrative and managerial positions. Although the starting salary for a person who is properly trained in this field is not small, it is possible to earn a higher figure by upgrading oneself from time to time. A person may start at certificate level and still pursue the degree training online since this is what most employers want to see in a prospective employee.
It is also best to know the licensing specifications that are applicable in your state because they are not the same. CAAHEP or the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs has listed over 2,000 programs in the USA, where over 23 health science related fields are outlined. Accreditation certificate from CHEA, CMA or USDOE is a main requirement for getting an ARDMS license. There are specific certifications in the areas of CCI or Cardiovascular Credentialing International, for the professionals who want to specialize in Echocardiography, Vascular Technology, and Phlebotomy Ultrasound. Trainees can qualify in desired areas such as the ones which cover areas like Breast area, Abdomen, Neurosonology, and OB/GYN technology. Another area of specialization is that which deals with the eye, or Ophthalmic Ultrasound Certificates which are licensed by the Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology also known as the JCAHPO. There is also a unique line of specialization that is gaining popularity in the recent years. It is the one that involves the Ultrasound Techs who deal with the diagnostic procedure that is done on beef cattle, and the certificate is offered by the Ultrasound Guidelines Council or what is usually referred to as UGC. Of course there is also the question of ethics where a person is required to abide by the ARRT Rules and Ethics guidelines for all practicing technicians or Diagnostic Medical Sonographers.